Garden Of Light
This is a green sustainable garden project in south Portugal created for Advaita Satsangs, Retreats and other courses of personal discovery. The project was started in 2021.
Currently, the land is 3 hectares with the view of expanding in the next few years. The whole project is based on green environmentally friendly principles, renewable energy and water management. One of the main ideas is to offset our carbon footprint by each person planting trees.
If you would like to get involved in the creation of this beautiful project there are opportunities for planting trees, working in the garden, technical consultancy, financial donations for infrastructure, or even investing in land. Contact us for more details.
”You are already what you are looking for, the knowing is in the heart.”
The first in a series of books, Always At Home is a collection of satsangs-talks over the last few years, that elaborates the concepts and pointers forming the Advaita-Non Dual teaching that Ragi shares.
You can get involved by transcribing videos, helping to edit or proof read, graphic design and layouts.

We are trying to build a house to give a secure home for two young children in Tiruvannamalai, India. These are children that Ragi met when he lived in Tiruvannamalai and has known them and their father and grandmother for several years. The project is to raise funding to buy a small piece of land, and build a simple 2 room house, under the auspices of a charitable Trust.
We plan to start the project in November 2023. The target amount is approximately 2,500 euros for the house, and 3,500 euros for the land.
Please contact us if you would like to financially donate towards making their dream a reality.
How Can I Help?
There is many ways to be involved in different projects and be part of Advaita Community
- Сoming to Portugal and help with the Garden of Light, camping accommodation is available.
- Planting trees, working in the garden, technical consultancy, share your knowledge and enjoy Portugal
- Buying land near us and join the project
- Donation to Ragi and support Satsang.
- Help somebody with limited financial capacity to come for retreats
- Donate to Garden of Light, helping with infrastructure and daily costs.
- Help Indian family to build their home
- Transcribing videos
- Helping to edit or proof read the book
- Graphic design and layouts
- Editing videos for Youtube
- Translating Satsang content into your language from English
- Organizing Ragi’s Satsangs in your home town or country